Mission: By building a national network of partners, we will facilitate the accessibility and availability of outdoor recreational activities for disabled veterans, traumatic brain injury survivors and other physically or mentally disabled individuals. Vision: To design a nationally recognized framework for affordable, high-quality recreational outdoor therapy.


In September 2017, Phillip Ormston moved in with Terry Snarr and his family. It was not long before Terry learned of Philip's love for hunting and knew he had to get Philip out in the woods with a rifle. He reached out to his cousin, Tangie Beard, to see if she could help. Tangie volunteers for Peterson Outdoor Ministries, where they use adaptive equipment to help disabled veterans get back into the wilderness to hunt. Tangie reached out to the organization's founder, Tron Peterson. When Tron Peterson heard Phillip's story, he asked that Phillip and his caretakers come to spend three marvelous days at their lodge. They provided free accommodation and food while building hope, inspiration and friendship. The trip had a positive effect on everyone who attended.

Fast forward to June 10, 2018. Terry Snarr was sitting on a beach in Cancun, Mexico watching the sunset, when God gave him a vision. He was going to connect organizations like Peterson Outdoor Ministries and individuals like Philip, allowing disabled individuals to take part in outdoor recreational water and land activities. He knew this would enable connection, upliftment and restoration.

On June 13, 2018, after sharing the vision with his close friends John and Michelle Finch, Michelle spoke life into Adaptive Connections. On top of this overall vision and mission, we consider this an opportunity for Philip to help others.

Isaiah 40:31

But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.


Founder/Executive Director


Terry Snarr, the founder of Adaptive Connections, is committed to providing disabled veterans and individuals with physical or mental disabilities with compassionate outdoor rehabilitation. Terry employs his expertise from over two decades in IT, where he excelled at troubleshooting complex solutions, forging relationships, and developing strategic plans. He is motivated by a profound appreciation for the sacrifices made by our military personnel. Utilizing these skills, he ensures that those in need have access to affordable, high-quality outdoor recreation therapy that is also accessible.